
Showing posts from January, 2022

Marketing Analysis

 For LIS 5602 we did a semester long analysis of a chosen organization; here is mine of New Orleans Public Library. 1. Introduction              The New Orleans Public Library dates back to a single house in the French Quarter in the year 1843 (New Orleans Public Library, n.d.-g). In the 178 years since then, the library has expanded to 15 locations throughout the city, touching nearly every major neighborhood. Beginning in 2019, prior to the pandemic, New Orleans Public Library began their new 10 year strategic plan process, which was partially slowed by Covid-19 (New Orleans Public Library, 2021-a). Their mission statement is “New Orleans Public Library: Transforming Lives, Enriching Neighborhoods, and Preserving History” (New Orleans Public Library, n.d.-h, para. 1), which rings true to their actions. They want to transform lives through early and adult literacy, enrich neighborhoods through many locations, and preserve history with their city of New Orleans archive.              Ne